The Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) continues its support and assistance to the Southeast Regional Homeland Security Advisory Council (SRAC) in their efforts to develop, review, and approve planning, training, exercising and specialized equipment projects. The SRAC serves ninety‐seven cities and towns and has provided millions of dollars in U.S. Department of Homeland Security funding to communities since 2004. The SRAC serves as the policy making body of The Southeastern Region Homeland Security Planning Region. The Council has members representing all relevant public safety disciplines including; law enforcement, fire service, emergency management, local public health, hospitals, emergency medical services, public works, transportation, corrections, and local government administration.

The overarching role and responsibilities of SRAC is to develop a regional Homeland Security Plan and to oversee all grant program expenditures. The Southeast Homeland Security Planning Region is defined by the Massachusetts State Homeland Security Strategy, which was developed by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) in 2004.

Meeting notices can be found on the SRPEDD website calendar.